Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Ever Widening Spread Between Haves and Have-nots

America is fundamentally broken.

In 1960 the gap in wealth between the top 20% and the bottom 20% was 30-fold. Today it's 75-fold.

Thirty years ago the average annual compensation of the top 100 CEOs was 30 times the pay of the average worker. Now, it's 1,000 times.

As great wealth has accumulated at the top, the rest of society has failed to keep up. The top 10% of earners have captured almost half the total income gains in the past four decades. The top 1% have gained the most -- more than all the bottom 50% combined. Meanwhile, working men and women and their families are strained to cope with the rising cost of health care, housing, and higher education -- all of which have risen in price much faster than typical family incomes.

Monday, February 27, 2006

What are Enterprise Architects Trying to Accomplish?

If you have an existing or a planned Enterprise Architecture effort, how many people understand its full scope? Is it important to communicate aspects of the EA effort to people outside the core group? Do you have multiple different audiences that should be aware of what's happening? If so, how is that communication going to take place?

These types of questions are important because they help shape the enterprise architecture solution.

Often what you'll find is that communication gaps exist because context is what's missing. Context is what gives information a natural setting so that it intuitively makes sense. Architects need to provide the right context for their vision. Context makes it so that information has meaning and value because its logic is easily understood. If you're an application developer, the architecture information you need is different than if you're a project manager. Similarly, data and database administrators need different information, as do the business people who ultimately are responsible for all enterprise endeavors.

My company, Flashmap Systems, supports frameworks that provide context. Our tools are used to catalog and present strategy and knowledge. Our goal is to help architects make their information as easy to understand and use as possible. Not only that, but also make it accessible and useful for as many different audiences as possible. In other words, capturing information is only part of the end result of architecture. The payoff comes from the value of its usage.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Why Have an Architecture Repository?

If you're an enterprise architect, I think the first two questions you need to ask yourself are: what information would you like to communicate; and who's the audience you'd like to present that information to?

I can't imagine that the primary purpose of an architecture repository is for the people who build it. It's got to be about those who are going to use it. What's critical is getting the right information to the right people in the right way.

From the architect's perspective, the benefit of creating a repository ought to be reaping the rewards for having captured, collected, collated, and categorized data. That starts by helping architects communicate out to the different audiences they're trying to reach so that those people can better communicate back in how well, how accurate, and how useful the information in the repository is.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

War on Terrorism

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, shortly after Lincoln ascended to the presidency (prior to F.D.R.'s second election, presidential inaugurations were held in March instead of January). That war lasted four years, ending on April 9, 1865, when General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse.

During World War I, with President Woodrow Wilson in the White House, Congress declared war on April 6, 1917. That war ended a year and a half later on Armistice Day, "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month", November 11, 1918.

America, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's leadership, entered World War II immedately after the raid on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, a "day that shall live in infamy." The U.S. emerged victorious from World War II in three years and nine months, ending on V.J. Day, August 15, 1945.

President Bush's War on Terrorism officially began on September 11, 2001. Here we are today, nearly four and a half years later, and Osama bin Laden is still roaming free and there's no end to this war anywhere in sight.

I can't help but continue to wonder who is profiting from the War on Terrorism. Billions upon billions upon billions are being spent each and every month. Who is getting rich?

I do not understand why Osama bin Laden is not dead yet. Meanwhile we continue fighting in Iraq. Originally told that war was because of WMDs, we're now told WMD stands for "We Meant Democracy" (not that anything even remotely resembling real democracy is showing up anywhere in the Islamic Middle East). Yet, more than ever, Americans and Westerners everywhere are terrorized, living in fear of retaliation from bloodthirsty Islamists who seek to impose their will on those who do not believe as they do. Today's Islamic jihadists are emboldened by appeasement and submissiveness. With each new rampage you feel as if the ideals that generations of Americans have died to defend are now being betrayed.

Can it get any worse? Today, President Bush said he will veto any congressional effort to stop a deal allowing an Arab company to take over six major U.S. seaports (this from a president who has yet to veto a single bill since he's been in office). Who wants to bet this never happens (neither the deal nor the veto)?

My Beef with Google

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, co-founders of Google, were once young, idealistic entrepreneurs. Whereas most major companies have longwinded, detailed descriptions explaining their corporate codes of conduct, Brin and Page described Google's with a mere three words: "Don't be evil."

But, I wonder, has Google grown up and become just like everyone else?

Reported in the news last month was an AP wire story that talked about how Google agreed to censor search results in China. That decision required some lightning fast changes to Google's own Help Center web site:

 Google Help Center

Does Google censor search results?
The answer to the above question used to say "Google does not censor results for any search item."

Now it says "It is Google's policy not to censor search results. However, in response to local laws, regulations, or policies, we may do so."

While certainly nothing evil by comparison with Google's capitulation to China's demand for censorship, I recently had my own little brush with the company's "highest possible standard of ethical business."

As readers of the ITscout Blog well know, I created a free web site called the Architecture 'Resources' Repository. Silly me. I actually thought it might be beneficial if the web pages there included non-obtrusive, context-sensitive Google ads. I believed it might possibly "add value."

So I investigated Google's AdSense capability. I read page after page of information on Google's web site. I viewed their AdSense demos. Finally, I asked my company's software developer team to modify the ITguide code base that I had used for implementing the Architecture 'Resources' Repository so that context-sensitive ads would appear along the left-hand margin of the page under the Flashmap navigator graphic.

Lo and behold, Google ads started appearing. Unfortunately, however, the actual ads that started showing up were nothing more than the equivalent of email spam. They had absolutely nothing to do with the architectural content on the pages. So I contacted Google's AdSense technical support. They responded that "Google's crawlers work to gather content from the page [and that] less relevant ads may be displayed for 48 hours or longer."

What the technical support response failed to tell me, and which appeared nowhere in their marketing description of AdSense, was a small piece of obscure information we finally found buried deep within the Adsense support site. It said, "At this time, pages that require a login can not be easily visited by our crawlers."

After mentioning this in an email to the AdSense technical support person, I got back the following reply:
Our content crawler is not able to access login-protected pages, so placing your ad code on pages behind a login may result in public service ads or ads that are not relevant to the page.

In order to receive relevant ads, we recommend that you place the ad code only on pages that are not protected by a login.
Had this information been properly stated up front, I could have saved a lot of time, effort, and aggravation. I can't believe Google wasn't open and honest in their description of the AdSense offering. Somehow I've got to believe Micro$oft is smiling. Gooooooogle isn't as goooooood as they claimed to be. :-)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A Boast Full of Pride

I am prideful. I am proud of the work that's been done on the Architecture 'Resources' Repository. I am especially pleased with the definition of architecture as a bridge that connects between business and technology.


Further, I particularly like the extension of the analogy into a metaphorical description of architecture as 3 rope-like bridges where each rope is comprised of three intertwined strands corresponding to 1) modeling, 2) documenting, and 3) communicating; and the reason for three bridges, to differentiate among 1) enterprise architecture, 2) software architecture, and 3) cross-domain architectures (e.g., security architecture, network architecture).

I am proud of the quality, quantity, and objectivity of content contained in the Architecture 'Resources' Repository. I feel that serving as gatekeeper for the clearinghouse eliminates the kind of problems that have recently occurred in several Wikipedia scandals.

I am extremely proud of ITscout and its four models for describing technology portfolios. Trying to maintain the content inside ITscout is a Herculean task -- albeit one I've not been all that good at doing well. Nevertheless, the immense volume of information contained there is chock full of links to some fantastic content. Moreover, a visitor is never more than a single click away from a context-sensitive Google search.

Finally, I can't even begin to express the amount of pride I have in the team of people I work with everyday at Flashmap Systems. The buttons on my shirt start popping as soon as I think about how my colleagues have helped our FlashAtlas customers communicate their enterprise architectures. Our list of customers read like a Who's Who of Fortune or Forbes companies.

Bush's "Mosts"

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States of America. Over the past 200+ years, we have had a couple of great presidents, a few good ones, some not so good, and a few really awful ones. Yet, after five years in office, the Bush administration has distinguished itself as perhaps the most secretive, most divisive, most deceptive, most distrusted, most arrogant, most mean-spririted, and above all, most incompetent presidency in our nation's history.

Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Gonzales, as well as others in this administration, have managed through doublespeak, non-transparency, and most of all, lots of terrible policies, to move our country from Ronald Reagan's "shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere" to a place where many Americans, including myself, can't even figure out what our democratic values stand for anymore.

Immediately after 9/11 the world stood united in its support for America. Today, our country is hopelessly broken. The White House leadership along with legislation from the Republican-controlled Congress (House and Senate) has brought us (in no particular order): Iraqi Mess-o-potamia, Guantonamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, warrantless wiretap surveillance, Katrina, Social Security, Medicare Prescription Drugs, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Bill Frist, Scooter Libby, tax cuts for the wealthy, budget cuts slashing assistance to students, children and seniors, astronomical budgets, astronomical deficits, astronomical oil company profits, astronomical gasoline prices, astronomical trade deficits, Halliburton, global warming, stem-cell research, leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson... and on and on and on. Has there been any good news over the past five years? No wonder America today is so disliked and so disrespected by so many people in so many places.

How do Republicans keep winning? Spin-meister Karl Rove is an absolute political genius. Oh, yeah, and the masses are asses.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Geoffrey Moore on 'Innovation'

Author Geoffrey Moore, in his book Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution, talks about how getting a return on innovation requires discipline in moving ideas from core to context, and then reinvesting the profits -- and the people -- back into the next innovation.

CIO Insight interviewed Geoffrey Moore in an article entitled "Innovation Takes More than Inspiration; It Takes Investment, and Persistence." In that interview, Moore discusses how innovation isn't just about inventing the next new thing, but rather it requires a conscious investment strategy, and the will to carry it out.

In Geoffrey Moore's opinion, there's a sense of entitlement in the U.S. economy: that Americans feel entitled to high margins; entitled to use more of the world's resources than any other nation. The challenge for the U.S., according to Moore, is to figure out how to survive the sea change as economic power crosses the Pacific.

Below is an edited excerpt from that interview:

As globalization sets in and competition heats up, companies are looking to innovation to stay on top. But, according to Moore, that will mean little if wonderful new products and services never see the light of day. Consider the notorious fate of Xerox Corp.'s Palo Alto Research Center: Its many great ideas (e.g., ethernet, GUIs & mouse, WYSIWYG editing, object-oriented programming) would never have been commercialized had not others recognized their true value.

There are only three kinds of innovation:
  • You can differentiate through innovation, creating a new value proposition that customers prefer and that competitors don't have. That will win new revenues at attractive margins.

  • You can innovate to neutralize a competitor's innovation. You don't necessarily gain an advantage, but you can begin to overcome a deficit, to catch up. As a result, you gain more sales, albeit not with a really competitive margin. But at least you're in the deal.

  • You can also innovate in ways that don't change your outward competitiveness, though they can change your return on innovation internally. That means doing things more efficiently, getting the same amount of bang for less bucks.
Unfortunately, if you look at the kinds of innovation that go on in established enterprises, more and more innovation is not generating a net new differentiating return. So you see stock prices of established enterprises being flat for years -- like at Microsoft or Cisco Systems. That's because they're not getting a net, new amount of competitive advantage. They're just kind of recycling the existing competitive advantage in their existing categories.

Look at the tech sector where innovation was always thought of as that disruptive stuff that magically creates new categories. You start with mainframes, then minicomputers, then the PC, then the LAN, then the Internet. Nowadays it's mobility. Each change has had a stronger back-flush, until finally, when we got to the real correction, the bursting of the tech bubble, it was really about the legacy inertia of technology refusing to die.

What we're seeing now is the maturation of the tech sector. Yet the idea lingers that if you're not doing disruptive innovation, nothing of interest is happening. And that's complete and total bunk.

The big problem is that too many companies dabble in innovation. It's called smorgasbording. They say, "Well, we've got a little of this, and we've got a little of that." But, since they don't take any one project very far, they never escape the gravitational field of their traditional sector. Their new innovations never resonate. Meanwhile, 95 percent of their revenue is coming from a commodity product or service.

Here's the critical distinction: core versus context. Core is defined as that which creates a return on innovation. Innovation for differentiation is core. Everything else is context. It may be mission-critical context, but it's still context.

The problem is that you can't improve your economic outlook on the context side. You can get more productive, but you can't change your competitive position without changing your competitive-advantage equation. If you don't have any new competitive advantage coming along, every year the environment gets a little bit better at competing against you, and every year you get a little more marginalized.

So you've got to cut a little more cost. And you get a little more marginalized. You cut a little bit more cost. And we watch these very powerful institutions quietly sunset themselves with about a one-degree decline every year, for decades.

How can companies reignite their growth engines? They have to self-fund. They have to extract resources from context to repurpose for core. They have to continue to meet revenue commitments, but do it with fewer resources. How do you do this? Standardize, modularize, optimize, and then outsource. In the 21st century, companies can no longer afford to be vertically integrated with all of their time, talent, and management attention allocated across all of the various functions equally.

If you allocate your resources based on your revenue makers, or margin makers, you're driving forward but looking through the rearview mirror. You're optimizing for what has been successful.

If you're like most companies, you base this year's budget on last year's budget. Thus, you've already institutionalized the resource allocation which means that you're funding context before core. So core gets the scraps after context has been at the trough first. But you really have to fund core before you fund context.

The context people will say, "We have to hit our revenue target, and if you cut that budget, we can't do it."

Unfortunately, the company needs to find someone who can hit the target. With today's economy there's no other choice.

The good news about mission-critical context is that it has inertia on its side. If you're big, and you're in an established category, established categories have inertia. So you ought to be able to take some productivity risks with your business without diminishing your top-line or bottom-line goals.

What happens to the workforce when you start using context to fund core? Most people cling to the task they've been successful at. Eventually, that task becomes mission-critical context, but they're the experts, so they stay with it. And then it starts to get sunsetted, and they stay with it. And then eventually it gets outsourced. And then they're in a bad spot, because they really have nothing else they know how to do. So they either have to go with the work to the outsourcer, or they just lose their jobs.

How can companies do it differently? There's a process model that overlays the evolution of any work. Every process has:
  • a gestation or invention period
  • a prolonged deployment period
  • an optimization period
All these tasks have to happen. But at too many companies, all the resources are getting stuck in mission-critical context. They think they've lost their inventors. They have not. They've lost their deployers. Or rather, they haven't lost them -- they're stuck on mission-critical context. But they need to shift to the next generation of core.

Meanwhile, optimizers are key to getting the work out of the hands of the deployers stuck in the deployment process, down to where it can eventually be outsourced. That frees the deployers to come back to core and begin deploying the next round of invention.

Who are the optimization people? They are all the Six Sigma monks. Six Sigma people shift roles all the time, going from group to group to group, bringing their quality-control capability with them. Deployers are program managers; when they finish one program they go do another program.

Human beings tend to gravitate toward one of these three zones. Companies need to identify their employees' relative interests and passions and skills at doing invention, deployment and optimization. Then they need to detach investment from the task. If leaders are moved, you can trust them to move the rest of the resources with them to make it happen. Getting a return on innovation requires discipline in moving ideas from core to context, and then reinvesting the profits -- and the people -- back into the next core.

Today companies tend to milk an employee's expertise and then throw away the employee. It's not fair to the employee. But if firms can continually invent, deploy and optimize, and think about their employees as part of that process, they can create better capitalist outcomes in a way that aligns with their workforce rather than betrays it. That way, they're preparing to survive in this increasingly Darwinian business world.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Blogging Is Not Enough For Me

The tremendous popularity of blogs nowadays is a testament that there's no shortage of people wanting to communicate. But, by their very nature, the information contained in blogs is generally temporal and fleeting.

Bloggers naturally write like they're posting to a journal or authoring a newspaper column. Readers of blogs typically subscribe just like they do in order to receive magazines delivered by their postal carrier, or newsletters that arrive in their e-mail inbox.

While the content contained in blogs can obviously be indexed and accessed via search engines, like Google, Yahoo, or MSN Search, my guess is that most blogs are overwhelmingly viewed by people who are regular recurring readers, and not by folks who reach a blog page after clicking on the results of some online search.

A few weblog publishing tools, such as TypePad (i.e., Movable Type), support the creation of categories as an alternate means to the traditional chronological form of organizing blog entries. But, in my estimation, these category features are not that frequently used by the vast majority of blog readers. I'm not even sure how popular the categorizing features are with blog authors. I tend to believe it's the kind of functionality that authors mostly think they want early on when they're first getting going with their blogging. After awhile, though, all that most bloggers really want to do is simply post their thoughts as quickly as possible, more or less like a diary, or a stream of consciousness. Speed (i.e., elapsed time to respond after some event), frequency (i.e., the number of distinct postings), and brevity (i.e., the length of each posting in terms of number of words written) are the key criteria that a blogger commonly uses for measuring his/her personal productivity.

If writing a blog is like publishing a magazine or newspaper column, then creating an in-depth description of a specific topic/subject is more akin to authoring a book. With the latter, the process commences with the formulation of a table of contents, which can also be referred to as a taxonomy or category tree, where information is arranged according to an hierarchical organization.

Every "branch" of a category tree includes its own category description. Normally, each description is painstakingly crafted as new content gets continuously integrated with previously-written existing content. Over time, after a number of separate editing sessions, the descriptive information often needs to be rewritten. Sometimes whole sections must be reorganized. Indeed, the category tree itself frequently undergoes constant, continual refinement and occasionally requires major refactoring.

This whole process is somewhat analogous to the art of whittling -- shaving a little here, shaping a little there. In the end the ultimate goal is to craft a hierarchy that correctly, and most effectively, is understood by the reader. The objective is to decompose the larger, overall topic/subject into small, manageable, bite-size morsels that can be easily comprehended.

Extending the category tree analogy further, each branch can also spawn its own "leaves." The characteristics of each "leaf" depends on the topic/subject being modeled. The detailed information that's captured for each instance of a leaf is quite different than the information necessary for describing the individual categories themselves.

The Architecture 'Resources' Repository is an example of a complex topic/subject. It has a category tree that explodes out into an expansive set of branches needed to describe and explain something as formidable as IT Architecture.

The graphic shown on the right includes a bookshelf metaphor that's superimposed on top of the underlying category tree. You might imagine that you're a bird soaring high above the IT Architecture category tree and the bookshelf image that you're seeing is your bird's-eye view. Using the graphic as a navigational aid you can immediately dive into any portion of the IT Architecture category tree.

Another example of a category tree is ITscout's model for Infrastructure, shown below (click on the image to view a Flash version that can be zoomed by right-clicking):

The graphical navigator provides for instantaneous single-click access to any portion of the very large, complicated, underlying category tree.

In the world of Internet communication, blogging plays an important role. But it has many weaknesses if you're trying to publish and communicate more permanent and polished information about a complex topic/subject. Every blogger should be as lucky as I am to have supplemental web sites like the Architecture 'Resources' Repository and ITscout.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Nobody Does It Better

My definition of "architecture" always begins with "bridging" the communication gap between technical and non-technical people. Frankly, I can't understand why more companies aren't beating a path to my company's door. Flashmap Systems' products enable architects to communicate with people -- both inside and outside of the IT organization.

Flashmap's products are not modeling tools. You can't use our offerings to sit down with a blank screen and just start generating pretty pictures. Likewise, Flashmap's products don't include crawlers that automatically discover what IT assets an organization already has deployed. But what Flashmap's products can do, better than anyone else's tools that I've seen, is enable IT organizations to communicate information about their architecture. Nobody does it better.

It's no surprise that my company's products embody some of my own longstanding beliefs. One, in particular, is the high value I place on communicating information visually. That's why in the ITscout Blog, for instance, I strive to be pithy, pertinent, and pictorial. There's almost always at least one picture in every posting.

I began my career as a cognitive psychologist. I wanted to understand how the human brain processes information. I was enrolled in a doctoral program at Indiana University with a minor in artificial intelligence. One of the lessons I remember from back then is that over 70 percent of the neurons in the human brain are dedicated to our visual processing. The old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words is probably a gross underestimate. I personally place great stock in a visual graphic's ability to simplify and synthesize -- two essential elements for effectively communicating complex subject matter.

Early in my professional career, I migrated out of cognitive psychology and into computer science. If I had to point to a single factor that nudged me from one discipline to the other, it was Donald Knuth's seminal work The Art of Computer Programming, especially his coverage of data structures -- stacks, queues, lists, arrays, and trees -- along with techniques for manipulating those structures. Knuth's clear writing, dry humor, and historical discussions made those books among the great classics of computer programming literature. Modeling data structures is what led me into the field of database management which got me interested in data architecture and that ultimately brought me to the study of IT architecture in general.

If you want to know what I understand about architecture today, all you have to do is check out the Architecture 'Resources' Repository web site. The graphic I used for simplifying and synthesizing the complex field of IT Architecture is the bookshelf metaphor shown to the right. If you click on the image of the bookshelf itself a new browser window will open up. If you then scroll down the displayed page you will see the category tree I've created for organizing and classifying architectural information.

On the displayed page, just below the bookcase graphic but above the category tree, there's a pair of radio buttons that look like the following:

Select one of the following options to see a treeview display of the model:
Categories only
Categories and Products

Click the Categories and Products radio button on the displayed page and then press the Display Model button. The resulting output will show all of the "leaves" along with all of the category tree "branches." (Note that all the "leaves" as well as all the "branches" are themselves hyperlinks that you can click.)

The Architecture 'Resources' Repository demonstrates how a large compendium of descriptive information about an enormously complex subject can be quickly and easily accessed by a diverse, yet totally untrained audience of casual, occasional visitors.

The ITscout web site, which earlier I also created, provides easy, simple access to an even broader, more complex topic -- the entire marketplace for all IT products.

While Flashmap Systems has sold products that communicate architecture information to a few dozen Fortune 1000 customers, I tend to believe we're still one of the best kept secrets in the entire IT industry. Most CIOs and IT professionals have never heard of us.

The message needs to get out. The Architecture 'Resources' Repository and the ITscout web site both project the look and feel for how our tools operate. However, neither of those sites actually demonstrate how Flashmap's products communicate architectural information across an enterprise. Neither the Architecture 'Resources' Repository, nor ITscout, show how different information can be targeted to different audiences. Neither demonstrates how visual cues such as icons and legends can be used to convey status information such as current state versus future state.

If you have a need to communicate your enterprise's architecture information (and who doesn't?), and the Architecture 'Resources' Repository, and ITscout have piqued your interest, then why aren't you "doing it?" Come, beat a path to our door. Nobody does it better. Like Rick (Humphrey Bogart) said to Captain Renault (Claude Rains) at the end of the movie Casablanca, "[That could be] the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why Communicate?

Architects love to create visual models. It taps their creative juices. UML (Unified Modeling Language) and Visio were godsends in that they make it easy for architects to draw images that illustrate the underlying complexity associated with artifacts related to IT.

Architects hate to document models. Why? Because that involves tedious, hard work. Who wants to spend time poring over data, capturing and collecting pertinent information that describes those complex artifacts related to IT? Invariably architects search for some magic silver bullet that can somehow crawl their networks and scour their disks automatically extracting jewels of useful information about their computing environment. Ah, if only it were as simple as performing a Google-like search. Most who experiment with discovery tools that inventory, collate, and coordinate, however, come away pretty disappointed and disillusioned with what those products can actually accomplish. It turns out, in the end, that there's really no substitute for good old-fashioned hard work performed by an intelligent, adaptive, biological information processor (i.e., a living, breathing human being).

Finally, we get to the final prong of any architectural endeavor -- actually communicating the information organized around the models. A really big question that needs to be answered is, "Do architects want to convey to others what they've learned by modeling and documenting," and if so, "Who do they want to communicate that information to?"

More often than not, unfortunately, architecture teams operate like black holes. They suck up resources by scheduling lots of meetings, asking lots of questions, and then in the end, after all that fact-finding, deliver little more than a PowerPoint presentation with, perhaps, an accompanying Word document that no one but the author ever reads.

It's not uncommon in today's economic climate for architecture teams to get reorganized and reorganized, over and over again. In such cases, generally, little more gets produced beyond some UML-like diagrams that don't mean much except to the person who originally thought up the models and created the graphics.

In the real-world where architects design buildings for a living, inordinate amounts of time are devoted to communicating -- both with the consumers (i.e., customers/clients) and with the producers (i.e., developers, contractors, sub-contractors). Initially architects produce drawings, or renderings, so that their clients can visualize what they're buying, and actually see what's going to be built using their money. Then the architects produce numerous, much more detailed drawings called blueprints that are shared with contractors and sub-contractors who will do the actual construction work. Once again, communication is paramount. Note, by the way, that the client isn't expected to extrapolate what the eventual structure will look like based on the blueprints. It should also be noted that it's the architect's responsibility to perform extensive work documenting the details that involve issues pertaining to engineering, zoning, permits, etc.

IT architects can't just produce UML drawings, not if they want to convey to business people the concepts those UML graphics embody. IT architects also have to provide the extensive documentation above and beyond the sketches that they draw. When one looks at the long list of architecture tools on the market (see Products listed in the Architecture 'Resources' Repository), they'll find numerous offerings related to modeling. They'll also discover many tools that focus on documenting architecture information. But, it seems, my company, Flashmap Systems, is one of the very few who concentrate their focus on communicating architecture to untrained users. I figure we're either leading the market, or we're off course. Only our customers can say for sure!

Iran and the President's Conundrum

President Bush defends his warrantless domestic spying program based on his powers as a wartime Commander-in-Chief. In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales argued that George Washington spied on British supporters, Abraham Lincoln wiretapped telegraph lines, and during World Wars I and II, both Woodrow Wilson and F.D.R. intercepted communications. On the other hand, is America really at war? (see The Un-War President)

Why did George Bush lead America into a preemptive war against Iraq? Perhaps more importantly, why aren't we going to war against Iran? What differentiates Iran and Iraq besides the last letter of their country's names?

Is there any question that Iran is a major terrorist sponsor? They send their petrodollars to Hezbollah and Hamas. They're playing a huge clandestine role in Iraq doing who knows what supporting Shi'ite retaliation against Sunni insurgents. What about Iran's intent on developing WMDs? They are threatening to launch attacks using long-range missiles and commando terrorist units in retaliation for any strike on its nuclear facilities. Iran began its Islamic revolution back in 1979 with the storming of the American embassy and the subsequent holding of kidnap victims for over a year. No Iranian has ever paid a price for that outrageous criminal act.

How does President Bush justify the loss of American lives in Iraq and simultaneously justify NOT EXPANDING the war on terror into Iran? What, exactly, is his definition of victory? How is Iraq different than Viet Nam? Who is going to be the last American soldier to die in Iraq, and when will that be? Are there going to be American military helicopters rescuing people from Baghdad's Green Zone reminiscent of images from Saigon a generation ago?

President Bush keeps asking that we trust him -- that we forget about things like democracy, judicial process and the balance of powers. Frankly, as much as I've learned to distrust presidents during my lifetime (LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton), Georgen W. Bush is the undisputed champion of distrust. To my fellow Americans who elected him, all I can say is the masses are asses.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

EA Network NOT

The following note which I had posted to a Discussion Thread on the EA Network was removed by Mike Morneau, Program Manager and Administrator, Enterprise Architectures Network:

Topic: Architecture Products

The list of products included in the Architecture 'Resources' Repository (www.ITscout.org/Architecture) is growing:

Adaptive Business Process Manager
Adaptive Enterprise Architecture
Adaptive IT Portfolio Manager
Agilense EA WebModeler
alfabet planningIT
Axon Idea Processor
Borland Tempo
CA Enterprise IT Management (EITM)
Compuware OptimalJ
Factiva Synaptica Knowledge Management System
Flashmap Systems FlashAtlas
Flashmap Systems ITguide
Framework Software Structure
Grandite SILVERRUN ModelSphere
IBM Rational Software Architect
IBM Rational Software Modeler
IBM Rational Systems Developer
Interfacing Technologies Enterprise Process Center (EPC)
MEGA Suite
MEGA Suite: MEGA Architecture
Mercury IT Governance Center
Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003
Mindjet MindManager
Netspective Enterprise Frameworks Suite (NEFS)
Proforma ProVision Enterprise
QualiWare Lifecycle Manager
SiloFx Synap-c Enterprise Architecture Suite
Sparx Enterprise Architect
Telelogic Focal Point
Telelogic System Architect
Troux Compliance Management
Troux Enterprise Architecture and Planning
Troux IT Governance Platform
Troux Portfolio Management
Visible Advantage

Please send the names of any additional products you think ought to be included in the list. Also, if you can think of any articles or books that you particularly like, please pass those along as well and I will list them in the repository. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Jeff Tash

CEO, Flashmap Systems, Inc.


I received an email informing me that the "content was interpreted as being in violation of the EA Network's position and rules regarding posts that are commercial in nature." I was requested to exercise vigilance in future posts.

I'm not really sure what was objectionable about this content, but in the future I simply will not post to the EA Network.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Why is this lunacy tolerated?

First came suicide-bombers. Then, improvised explosive devices. Now, attacks against Westerners because cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed were published in a Danish newspaper. This climate of radical Islamic intimidation and intolerance is beyond frightening.

The current uproar is because of an editorial cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban. A second one showed him in Heaven, pleading with newly arrived suicide terrorists: "Stop, stop! We have run out of virgins!" (Be honest now. That's funny!)

Militant Islam has no problem with beheadings, riots, death threats, kidnappings, flag-burnings. The jihadis who demand censorship of the Western press have no issue showing pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of video cameras.

The Muslim world seems to hold one standard of behavior for itself and quite another for the rest of the world. It asks nothing of its own people and everything of everyone else, while always expecting no serious repercussions.

Iran just published cartoons defaming the Holocaust in response to the Danish cartoons because, as Iran’s "Supreme Leader," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed, this controversy was a "conspiracy planned by the Zionists." Iranian "President" Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust combined with his incessant pursuit of nuclear weapons is beyond scary (Bush was only off by a single letter in his war to prevent WMDs).

The Islamic world's media, with full government sponsorship, slings "apes and pigs" slurs aimed at Jews and Christians. Those responsible for 9/11 are given safe harbor hiding in Pakistan along the Afghan border. Yet, when a recent American missile strike killed a few of them, the U.S. was roundly castigated for violating borders in pursuit of our deadly enemies who, while on Pakistani soil, boast of planning yet another mass murder of Americans.

The list of hypocrisies are endless. Millions of Muslims have emigrated to the United States and Europe. Yet Israel, the biblical home of the Jews, is deemed as "occupied by infidels."

Why is this lunacy tolerated?


The billions of petrodollars the world sends to medieval regimes like Iran or Saudi Arabia has yielded tribal, patriarchal societies from which has emerged Wahhabis, Hezbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qeada. Puritanical zealotry, autocratic corruption, dictatorship, theocracy -- this is not a world where democratization can take hold without a plan for establishing the rule of law and constitutional government. Unfortunately, President Bush seems to have no plans beyond the kind of naive elections that have already brought to power political parties like Hamas in Palestine or a Shi'ite theocracy in Iraq. Hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars are being spent prosecuting a war against the likes of Zarqawi. Thousands of American soldiers have already died with no end in sight and no clue where the next wave of recruits will be coming from. The debt being left to the next generation of Americans is beyond shameful. Why are we doing this? Oil.

Come next November, maybe the voters will realize that G.O.P. stands for the Gas and Oil Party.

Communicating Taxonomy Information

I like to think of communicating taxonomy information in terms of a 3-dimensional cube.
  • Along one dimension you have models. In terms of IT assets, I prefer to classify information according to four models:

    • IT Infrastructure
    • Application Development
    • Applications (either COTS or custom-developed)
    • Business Intelligence
  • The second dimension is what I like to refer to as views that target different audiences. Some views can be targeted to architects, others to developers, and still more aimed at business-oriented end-users.

  • The third dimension involves time. Think of it in terms of current state and future state. Obviously, you need a roadmap or strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

A really important issue you need to think about is what kinds of information you want to capture and communicate using your taxonomy. For someone just starting off, I recommend you begin by identifying IT standards. Communicating your standards will enable consolidation and that will result in an almost immediate return on investment.

For IT groups that want a quick and inexpensive way to get started, I'd suggest you consider ITguide. For less than $100/month you can use the ITscout taxonomies to communicate your IT standards. To get a sense of ITguide's overall look-and-feel, check out the Architecture 'Resources' Repository at www.ITscout.org/Architecture. I used ITguide as the code base for capturing and communicating everything I know about "architecture."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Enterprise Architecture Musings

While perusing the Enterprise Architecture Network, I ran across a couple of discussion threads that grabbed my attention.

The first was a posting by Scott Goodin who wrote an entry entitled "Lost, Wandering or Both?" It talked about the following:
Current State = where you are
If you don't know where you are, you are lost.
Future State = where you're going
If you don'’t know your where you're going, you are wandering.
If you don'’t know where you are or where you're going, it's insane to just continue on lost and/or wandering. You've obviously got work to do.

On the other hand, even if you do know where you are and where you're going, you still need a roadmap or strategy to help you get from your current state to your future state.

The second discussion thread that attracted my attention was posted by Tod Goulds. He asked the community for help in presenting a business case for Enterprise Architecture that could show real, measurable ROI (Return On Investment).

Tod received lots of responses to his posting. Many referred to the savings organizationion can achieve through standards and consolidation (a topic I, too, have written extensively about -- see IT Standards Manifesto). Others suggested less quantifiable benefits, such as the value of replacing out-dated applications thereby reducing the forward cost of maintenance, or the impact of aligning strategic IT plans with business needs.

David Rico, in responding to Tod's thread, referenced an article he had written entitled "A Framework for Measuring the ROI of Enterprise Architecture" which methodically looked at measuring:
  • Costs (total amount of money spent on enterprise architecture)
  • Benefits (total amount of money gained from enterprise architecture)
  • Benefit to Cost Ratio (ratio of enterprise architecture benefits to costs)
  • ROI% (ratio of adjusted enterprise architecture benefits to costs)
  • NPV -- Net Present Value (discounted cash flows of enterprise architecture)
  • BEP -- Break Even Point (point when benefits exceed costs of enterprise architecture)
Unfortunately, as the article indicates, few organizations consistently collect cost and benefit data, and certainly not according to a standard. Much of the data reported in this paper by David Rico comes from U.S. government assessments of the maturity, state, status, and progress of federal enterprise architecture initiatives (personally, I don't place much stock in the trustworthiness of the government's estimates of costs or benefits).

Ron Baillie responded that "there were different views as to what the 'returns' for EA are". He provided three examples of different views:
  • standardization provides re-use of components, data entities, building blocks, etc. -- leading to cost reduction
  • greater integration provides better information flow -- leading to cost reduction, efficiency, additional revenue opportunities, etc.
  • architecture addresses tactical 'project' needs while building 'capabilities' in IT, such as agility, ability to innovate, etc. -- leading to strategic competitive value
My own perspective on this topic is that whenever management asks IT for measurable ROI they're usually just erecting a roadblock. I wonder if anyone has ever successfully demonstrated ROI for e-mail or PowerPoint or web servers! Enterprise Architecture is similar to IT Infrastructure in that I'm not quite sure how you measure its ROI, but if it's not there it's going to cost you big time.

I'd be dumbfounded to imagine any CIO without a strategic vision. The question is, how is that strategic vision communicated to others -- both inside and outside of IT? That's where Enterprise Architecture demonstrates its most important Return On Investment -- by enabling the CIO to share his/her vision.

BS Bingo! -- The Stay Awake Office Game!!!

Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars?

What about those long and boring conference calls?

Well, apparently, there's a new game making the rounds that's perfect for all those boring meetings and tedious sessions at conferences and seminars. It's called BS Bingo!

Here's how it's played. Before (or during) your next meeting, seminar, or conference call, prepare for yourself a 5" x 5" square divided into five columns across and five rows down. Then, in some random order, enter the following words/phrases into each of the 25 one-inch blocks.

synergy fast track leverage best practice at the end of the day
revisit expeditious game plan out of the loop core competencies
benchmark value-added proactive client-focused think outside the box
24/7 bottom line mind-set result-driven empower (or empowerment)
paradigm touch base win-win strategic fit to tell you the truth

When you hear one of the above words/phrases, check off the appropriate block.

When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"

Trust me, this game is guaranteed to dramatically improve your attention span in meetings.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Architecture is Communicating Complexity

Architecture is, if anything, first and foremost all about "communicating complexity." Furthermore, in my opinion, I'm convinced the absolute best way to communicate complexity is by "simplifying and synthesizing."

For instance, take a look at the field of architecture itself. I contend that this discipline is hugely complex. Ask five reasonably intelligent, experienced IT people to define "architecture" and you'll probably get back at least a half dozen different definitions.

I set out to simplify and synthesize a description of architecture when I built the Architecture 'Resources' Repository (www.ITscout.org/Architecture), My goal was to create a web site that virtually anyone with no training whatsoever could use to discover and explore all kinds of information about architecture.

Previously, I tried to accomplish pretty much the same kind of thing with ITscout. Of course, its focus was different. ITscout is chiefly product-centric. It attempts to single-handedly encompass and describe the entirety of the enormously big IT industry marketplace.

Getting back to architecture, I've frequently written in this blog how the task of architecting is comprised of three component parts:
  1. modeling
  2. documenting
  3. communicating
Nearly everyone agrees that architects have to perform the first task -- modeling. Oftentimes I find architects hoping to be able to use off-the-shelf models to jump-start their architectural efforts. I tend to believe that's a big part of the reason why so many people have found the Zachman 5-row by 6-column table attractive. I know I've had lots of folks express an interest in wanting to use the graphical ITscout models for describing their technology architecture portfolios.

The second task architects must perform -- documenting -- is mostly seen as arduous and burdensome. Most people I talk to are looking for some magic silver bullet. For some reason they elect to ignore the old adage, "Garbage in, garbage out." The fact of the matter is architecture is hard work, and someone has to do that work. Indeed, the benefits are often in the doing. Capturing, classifying, categorizing, refactoring -- those are the activities that make an architecture shine.

The final step in architecting -- communicating -- is my personal bailiwick. Unfortunately, not a lot of architects seem to even recognize the importance of this task. The problem reminds me of my experiences as a software developer working with end users. If I asked people what they wanted their application to do, they usually didn't have a clue how to express their real requirements. On the other hand, if I showed them what they could have they would immediately respond back with what was wrong with what I had shown them. I often described this behavior with the simple saying that "problems get defined in terms of available solutions."

In my humble opinion, communication is what architecture is truly about. After all, I can't begin to tell you how many times I've witnessed examples of architectural "shelfware" where the only ones who read what the architects had written were the authors themselves. If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? Similarly, if an architect creates and populates models that nobody sees, does it have any impact? I think not.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

There's No Such Thing As Bad Publicity

The Big Picture: The Challenge of Visual Modeling

By Jonas Lamis, Vice President, Product Marketing, Troux Technologies

My company, Flashmap Systems, was contacted by Troux Technologies, asking our permission for their Vice President of Product Marketing, Jonas Lamis, to include our graphic, illustrated below, in an article he was writing for Architecture & Governance Magazine.

Click on image for Flash version of graphic that can be zoomed by right-clicking

Our response was "Go right ahead. But please be sure to include our copyright notice."

Although the article, entitled The Big Picture: The Challenge of Visual Modeling, included our graphic, our copyright was omitted. I assume that this was an oversight. The article itself made some excellent points, especially Edward Tufte's notion that Graphical Excellence:
  • is the well-designed presentation of interesting data;
  • communicates complex ideas with clarity, precision and efficiency; and
  • provides the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time, with the least ink, and in the smallest space.
Unfortunately, the article mischaracterizes my company's EA products. It implies that Flashmap's tools compete directly against Troux's Metis Enterprise software. Personally, I don't believe they do. Rather, they complement one another.

Enterprise Architecture, in my view, involves three distinctly separate components:
  • the creation of models
  • the population of content
  • the communication of content
Troux's suite of tools focus mainly on the first two bullets above, while Flashmap's products excel at accomplishing the third -- communicating architecture information to a community of untrained users. Take a look below at an example of the kind of UML-like graphic that Troux's products produce:

Obviously, the collection of Metis boxes and lines are quite different than Flashmap's "big picture" value chain-like graphic, shown near the beginning of this posting, which visually depicts goods and services flowing left-to-right while money moves in the opposite direction from right-to-left.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Social Insecurity

Last night, in his State of the Union speech, President George W. Bush said: "Congress did not act last year on my proposal to save Social Security, yet the rising cost of entitlements is a problem that is not going away -- and with every year we fail to act, the situation gets worse."

I admit I'm politically naive, but it sure seems as if two quite simple changes could be made to Social Security that would go a long way toward solving the problems of baby boom retirements. I'm certain it would do more than the president's cockemany proposal for personal retirement accounts.

First, remove the $90,000 Social Security salary cap. Second, introduce a means test to determine who is eligible to receive Social Security benefits upon retirement.

We live in an America where currently more than one in four families with children earn less than $30,000 a year, and where 46 million Americans live without health insurance. Meanwhile, if you look at the recently-passed tax cuts which will cost more than $150 billion over the next ten years, you'll find that 97% of the money from those cuts will go to households making more than $200,000 a year. Households with incomes under $100,000 will get 0.1% of these cuts.

Rich people can afford to contribute more to Social Security while they're working and rich people don't need to collect Social Security checks after they retire.

Architectural Resources

The Architecture 'Resources' Repository can be accessed using the following login information:
Alternatively, a much simpler and easier way of accessing the Architecture 'Resources' Repository is to specify the following URL address (which will automatically log you in as if you had entered the above login sequence):

Visually, the "Flashmap" graphic used to organize information about Architecture 'Resources' is the "bookcase" that appears to the right. It consists of two shelves filled with different sets of colored books.

The three yellow books horizontally placed on the left side of the top shelf represent Architecture Types. The five red books located to their right correspond to Architectural Concepts. The third grouping of topics, represented by the four blue books on the left-hand side of the bottom shelf, refer to the Application and/or Practice of Architectural Principles.

Finally, the last set of books, the green ones vertically arranged along the right-hand side of the bottom shelf, reflect an assorted collection of Architectural Resources. These include:
  • Blogs
  • Web Sites
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Events
  • Other Resources
Other Resources include such topics as: Certification, Glossaries/Lexicons, Professional Groups, References, and Video Presentations.

The Architecture 'Resources' Repository is continuously being updated and refreshed with new information. Its purpose is to serve as a clearinghouse chock full of links to valuable information about architecture. Please use the FEEDBACK icon to submit suggestions, corrections, additions, etc. It appears on every page in the task bar which is located near the upper right corner just below the Flashmap Systems logo. The FEEDBACK icon is represented by the following graphic:

Incidently, also included in the task bar is a GOOGLE SEARCH button. Clicking it will automatically open up a new browser window with a context-sensitive search that matches whatever topic you're currently viewing. Its icon is represented by the following graphic: