Architectural Resources
The Architecture 'Resources' Repository can be accessed using the following login information:
Alternatively, a much simpler and easier way of accessing the Architecture 'Resources' Repository is to specify the following URL address (which will automatically log you in as if you had entered the above login sequence):
URL: Username: architecture Password: itguide

The three yellow books horizontally placed on the left side of the top shelf represent Architecture Types. The five red books located to their right correspond to Architectural Concepts. The third grouping of topics, represented by the four blue books on the left-hand side of the bottom shelf, refer to the Application and/or Practice of Architectural Principles.
Finally, the last set of books, the green ones vertically arranged along the right-hand side of the bottom shelf, reflect an assorted collection of Architectural Resources. These include:
- Blogs
- Web Sites
- Articles
- Books
- Magazines
- Events
- Other Resources
The Architecture 'Resources' Repository is continuously being updated and refreshed with new information. Its purpose is to serve as a clearinghouse chock full of links to valuable information about architecture. Please use the FEEDBACK icon to submit suggestions, corrections, additions, etc. It appears on every page in the task bar which is located near the upper right corner just below the Flashmap Systems logo. The FEEDBACK icon is represented by the following graphic:

Incidently, also included in the task bar is a GOOGLE SEARCH button. Clicking it will automatically open up a new browser window with a context-sensitive search that matches whatever topic you're currently viewing. Its icon is represented by the following graphic:

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