Support a 21st-Century Draft
Apart from many other arguments, the biggest problem I have with Bush's war in Iraq is

New York Democrat Charles Rangel, the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has called for reinstatement of the draft. Virtually all politicians -- Democrats and Republicans alike -- will quickly reject any such proposal for bringing back conscription, a practice officially ended in 1973.
Unlike during World War II, the U.S. today does not require a huge military comprised of every able-bodied man and woman of draft age. But there is a serious malaise in American society that can best be solved by finding a way for young people to make a deep and significant commitment to their country. Congress should support a 21st-century draft for national service (not just military service). Almost certainly, it won't.
I'm not in favor of America reverting back to a military draft like what existed prior to 1973. Rather, I'm advocating a draft for national service where military service is but one of the options available.
I fervently believe in John F. Kennedy's dream where citzens "ask not what their country can do for them, but what they can do for their country."
Young people just beginning their lives as adults are blessed with optimism and idealism. Many of our society's most intractable problems will only be solved through the service and dedication of people helping other people.
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